
One day, a couple of years ago, I happened to look back at all the photos I had taken, including those of all the pieces I have painted.  Without giving it too much thought I said to my husband Erik – “I think I might actually be a quite creative person…”

He just laughed and asked “Oh, really? And this is a recent insight of yours..?”

Well, back then it actually was. Since then I have gotten used to the idea of being creative as such but I there seems to be getting no getting used to the various adventures my creativity brings me on. 

What I do

I paint things. Predominantly furniture and a few paintings. And I photograph - mostly people and nature. I really like weddings in a beautiful setting. In both cases I do it where I can find a beauty that touches me, something to trigger the creative mode and encourage me to stay there for the duration whatever project the impulse sends me off into.

About Me

I live out in the woods, a quick two hours drive from Stockholm and a couple of minutes from the nearby village of Sandviken. Me, my son, hustband and two cats live in a small farmhouse with plenty of room for ideas and projects.

After having spent more than 10 years working at McDonalds, geriatric care, a gas station and in telemarketing and at the same time giving birth to my son and diverse studies I feel very fortunate to have found my work to be a creative one.

Most of the time I work in my cottage at home where I renovate and paint furniture. I also love bringing my camera out into the beautiful surroundings or when travelling.
